The Film Catalogue


Action/Adventure, Thriller | English | 87 minutes

Las Entreprise

Indie Rights

Cast & Crew


David Field


John Tedesco


George Basha


David Field, George Basha,, David Roberts,, Richard Green, Millie Rose Heywood

La Bande-annonce


"Convict" the story of an Australian war veteran with moral beliefs who, through a reactionary moment is sent to prison and gets caught up in an immoral world. He leaves behind his fiancée Kelly (Millie Rose Heywood-Paper Giants) who has been waiting for him loyally for many years while he was on tour of duty, but now must be tested again while he goes through another type of hell!

Ray (George Basha-The Combination, Black Rock) who has been on duty in the Middle East believes in his country and he has great pride in his life as a soldier. In prison he comes face to face with the realities of a world he has sought to avoid. He sees himself not as an Arabic man, but a man whose life and decisions are driven by his moral code.

He befriends David, an Aboriginal man (Richard Green-Snowtown, Boxing Day,Redfern Now) and finds in him a true friendship. On the other side of this dangerous world he encounters an Arabic drug lord who insists that he should join his 'brothers' as an obligation.

Surrounding this struggle he is also being brutalized by the prison warden (David Field- Chopper, Two Hands)and guards on behalf of the father of the young(David Roberts-The Matrix, The Square)lad he has accidentally killed outside prison.

Daley Jones (Mad Bastards, Satellite Boy, Redfern Now) and Tony Ryan (Red Dog, Blacktown, Redfern Now) are powerful as prison gang members providing their own brand of brutal enforcement.

Année d'achèvement

