The Film Catalogue
The Haunting of Grady Farm

The Haunting of Grady Farm

Horror | English | 69 minutes

A Firma

High Octane Pictures

Elenco e Tripulação


Matt Dickstein


Jeremiah Burton, Shane Hartline, Ben Kaplan, Malia Miglino


Josh Server, Justin Miles, Tony Demil, Alex Owen-Sarno, Shane Hartline, Jennifer Christa Palmer, Ben Kaplan, Lauren O'Quinn, Phil Armijo, Dean Schaller, Majeed Nami, Melissa Chandler, Andrew Dozier, David Raizor, Barry Brent, Malia Miglino, Alanna Topps, Amanda Sadia, Ali White, Jeremiah Burton, Jacob Reuter, Candi Hartline, McKay Ball, Viktoria Kurmisa, Ryan Raiden, Isaiah Jimenez

O Trailer

O Sumário

A producer for a haunted locations show goes to an abandoned farm in Florida, but she quickly learns what’s haunting this land is more than folklore.

Ano de Conclusão

